Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our Family

It was not until half my kids were done with high school that I realized that I have learned so many invaluable lessons over years raising them. Unexpected gifts of knowledge are how I like to think of them.  Years of reflection and touch your heart moments, have lead me to want to share my exceptional family (at least in my eyes) with the world.  Besides we can all use a little lesson every now and then. So let’s begin with a brief introduction of my crazy amazing family.

DH – of course Darling Husband or in some cases Daring Husband.  Either one works, this is the rock , the strength and the one who teaches my son’s the MAN law.

DD1 – 22 year old daughter who has moved out of the parents’ house (but into grandmas) and trying to make it as a successful TBD.  Out in the world working but on a break from school.

DD2 – 20 year old daughter who has also moved out but also in grandma’s house.  Succeeding everyday by holding down a Fulltime job, school and just being a 20 year old!

DD3 – 17 year old daughter recent high school graduate encountering the new world of college, work and still trying to remain a kid.

DS1- 9 year old know everything Son

DS2- 8 year old I want to be a policeman Son, and self-appointed rule enforcer

DS3 -7 year old son who wants to be everything and anything but will always be the baby!

Yes, that is one husband and 6 kids.  And to answer your question, I birthed every single one of the kids, not the husband.  So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, check in every day.  Join us on this journey of What I learned from my kids!


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